SD Police plan extra checkpoints for St. Paddy's Day

San Diego Police

The San Diego police department initiated "Green Mile" this weekend, a special DUI task force that will be patrolling streets throughout the long St. Patrick's Day weekend and urging restaurants and bars to stop serving overtly intoxicated patrons.

According to NBC San Diego, officers will be cracking down on drivers under the influence, in an effort that started last week and will continue through tonight. Last St. Patrick's Day, a Santee man was killed after drunkenly driving his car the wrong way down SR-52, injuring a mother and her three children when he collided with their incoming minivan. In memory of that crash, officers will have one goal this evening: to arrest DUI drivers.

The best way to protect yourself is to get informed before you celebrate St. Paddy's Day. Officers strongly recommend finding a sober driver before you imbibe, making sure friends don't drive drunk, and reporting any suspicious drivers you see.

Please enjoy the holiday responsibly. For further information regarding DUI laws, contact the Law Offices of Cassandra Hearn at (619) 800-0384, or stop by to have your DUI questions answered.