Documents and Child Support Cases

Child custody and child support are essential issues in many divorce cases.  Determining what is best for a child is a complicated problem that has unique nuances for every family.  Along with that child custody determination almost always comes the issue of child support.  Child support calculations can be just as difficult and intricate as the custody determination itself.  Making sure you have the right documents for your child support case can help to smooth the way and make the process quicker.


The most obvious documentation you will require will be proof of income.  For most people, this will simply be paystubs or W-2s.  If you are on salary, your W-2 or income taxes for last year will provide good evidence of your income, as long as you do not anticipate a change in your salary for the upcoming year.  If you get paid by the hour or your income otherwise fluctuates, your most recent paystub can still be the best evidence of income, as the year-to-date income can be extrapolated to provide your average monthly income. 


Documentation of other income is also extremely important.  Your income is not limited to only what you earn during your 9-5 job.  Other types of income are also included in your child support calculation, such as annuities, trust fund payments, or income from rental properties.  Documentation supporting your claims of this income is important because it will ensure that your child support is set accurately based on all the types of income you actually receive. 


There are other factors for a child support calculation, and it is important for you to bring documentation for those factors as well.  Daycare expenses and health insurance paid for the minor child or children are often two enormous monthly expense that need to be taken into account for your child support.  Another factor can be if you pay child support for another child that is not a product of this relationship.  Make sure that you gather not only the support order showing you are obligated to pay for that child, but also proof that you are actually making those payments.


If you have questions about child support and how it is calculated, call us today.  We can talk with you about your children and your financial obligations and rights.